Recorded: Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Length: Approximately 60 min |
Join us on December 2 as presenter Henry L. (Dick) Thompson, Ph.D., reveals three
strategies for developing High Potentials and High Performers that really work!
Find out why developing High Potentials and High Performers is so critical—especially in
today’s tough economy. Plus, learn how to be more effective when creating development plans for leaders already overwhelmed by having to show greater ROI—faster, cheaper and with fewer resources than ever before.
By attending this webinar, you will learn:
- The three major developmental strategies for High Potentials and High Performers
- The ROI of increasing employee performance from average to best
- Why High Potentials must be treated differently than High Performers
- How to increase Learned Abilities—while maximizing Innate Abilities
- How to create realistic leader development plans that can be used to increase
performance and why they sometimes fail to do so
- Relationship between developing talent and the Talent War
- Receive a set of the PowerPoints® used in the presentation (click here)
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